I have just recently started listening to this song by Mercy Me called Beautiful. I heard it for the first time at a youth conference I went to recently with a few of the girls from our youth group. I'm not usually one for Mercy Me; no reason, they're just not really the style I enjoy listening to. This song is different, though. The words pierce directly through my heart. God knew this is what I've been needing to hear lately. Even though I already know how much He loves me, treasures me, is enthralled by me, I am always needing a reminder in one way or another. This is my most recent reminder of His thoughts towards me. I really can't stop listening to this song. I just hope this will be a reminder for all of you girls (and guys) out there that may be struggling with self-worth. "You were meant for so much more than this...you are more than what is hurting you tonight."
The King is enthralled by your beauty. Honor Him, for He is your Lord.
~Psalm 45:11